Lake with forested hills

SEPA Review - Current Projects

Learn more about Park's planning projects currently under State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review.

The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) is intended to ensure that environmental values are considered during decision-making by state and local agencies. The environmental review process in SEPA is designed to work with other regulations to provide a comprehensive review of a proposal. Most regulations focus on particular aspects of a proposal, while SEPA requires the identification and evaluation of probable effects on all elements of the environment. Proposals can be either project proposals (construction, demolition, landfills or exchange of natural resources) or non-project proposals (development of plans and regulations).

For more information on SEPA, please visit the Washington Department of Ecology website.

Current Projects

Pearrygin Lake State Park Fishing Dock and Irrigation Intake Replacement

Pearrygin Fishing Dock Replacement SEPA DNS

Pearrygin Lake Fishing Dock Replacement Environmental Checklist

Pearrygin Fishing Dock Replacement Permit


